2025 Vacation Packages
There are cabin minimum occupancy numbers on all the cabins prices shown below. Please see the section called cabin minimums below for a complete breakdown. All prices are quoted in US funds.
Package Plan #1
- Fully equipped modern cabin from Saturday 2:00 p.m. through Saturday 8:00 a.m.
- Boat and motor with swivel seats
- 20 hp motor
- Boats topped-up daily
- minnow bucket, anchors, paddles, seat cushions, net, and lake map
- Freezer service
Modern Cabin – $749.00/person/week
Package Plan #2 – Private Boat
- Fully equipped modern cabin from Saturday 2:00 p.m. through Saturday 8:00 a.m.
- Dockage for your own boat and trailer storage
- Battery charging
- Fish wrapping and freezer service
- Launching of your boat (if needed)
Modern Cabin – $639.00/person/week
Family Plan (July and August Only)
- Mom, Dad, and 2 Kids. (Any other child is extra)
- Fully equipped modern or semi-modern cabin from Saturday 2:00 p.m. thru Saturday 8:00 a.m.
- Boat and motor with swivel seats
- 20 H.P. motor
- Boats topped-up daily
- Two conservation fishing licenses
- Minnow bucket, anchor, paddles, seat cushions, net, and lake map
- Fish wrapping and freezer service
Mom, Dad, & 2 kids (under 16 yrs.) – $1873.00/week
Extra Child – $188.00/week/child[/list][/checklist1]
Upgrade Boats & Motors
- 50 HP Yamaha 4 stroke, 16′ Alumacraft upper casting deck, pedestal seats, live well, depth finder……..$450.00
Attention Anglers
To preserve the quality of fishing on the Gullrock chain of lakes, the policy of the Gullrock Camp Owners Association is that any Walleye over 18 inches or any Northern over 27½ inches must be released.
Bringing your own boat?
The package price is the same except up to 10 gallons of gas will be included.
Cabin Minimums
- Cabins #1, & 2 – Modern, Minimum 2 people
- Cabins #3 – Modern, Minimum 3 people
- Cabin #4, 6 & 9 – Modern, Minimum 4 people
- Cabins #5, 7 & 10 – Modern, Minimum 6 people
3 and 4 Day Packages are available in July, August and September, only. Cabin minimums must be met.
Our Boat & Motor
Modern Cabin – $149.00/person/day
Private Boat
Modern Cabin – $128.00/person/day
RV Rates
Campers: $100.00 deposit is required for boat & motor reservations. Includes electrical hookup, water, use of shower house facilities, and dump station
2 People – $50.00/day
Extra People – $15.00/person/day
Call us @ 1-807-727-3154 or email us for more information including details on Boat and Motor Rentals.
More Information and Reservations
Poplar Point Resort
Box 527
Red Lake, Ontario, Canada P0V 2M0
Phone: 1-807-727-3154
Email: poplarpoint@tbaytel.net